2024-11-27 23:49
总是有人说,我语法正确,语句通顺,为什么就是得不了高分呢?你可以试着想一想,当你会用的单词,词汇,别人也在用时,还会觉得你自己不错嘛?想要在万千考生中脱颖而出,总要有自己的风格,或者有自己的“小技巧”,比如,同样的意思,你用更高级的替换词表达出来,是不是更会让考官眼前一亮呢?!今天,津小乔(jinqiaoyy)为大家准备了雅思高分必备替换词。想要文章,口语出彩,这些都不能少!01.goodrewarding / satisfying 满意的,值得的I have a rewarding job.My career has been satisfying for several reasons.My time in Sydney has been rewarding.在实战中good 的替换词是这样用的:考官:Do you prefer to work for a large or small company?考生:It is for this reason that I feel working for a large company is more satisfying than working for a small company.很多人往往这样说:......that's why working for a large company is better than a small company. 也有些人这样说:I think working for a large company is good. 连比较级都没有用上,分数就可想而知了。merit 优点,荣誉不常见的单词,但在学霸证书上却是一个很有分量的证明,你会发现硕士毕业证上如果写着master with merit就表示这个人拿到的是优等硕士生。这个词用作 good 的替换词瞬间就高大上了不少。写作:Some people believe that diet and exercise in a population are largely the responsibility of the government. Others feel people should…考生:Thus, the argument that governments should be responsible for the diets and exercise levels of citizens holds merit.optimal 最优的,最大化的这个词可以替换good的最高级形式“best”同时,用这个词会让考官认为你的口语很地道。考官: At what time of the day are you most productive?考生:My optimal work time is in the morning. It is when my mind is clearest and I can...写作:Pie charts comparing the diets of older men in varying states of health.The second pie chart illustrates optimal weightings of fat, carbohydrates and protein for men aged 50 and older.02.faster/sloweraccelerate 加速,促进这个单词相比于be动词+faster/slower 这种形式,会让考官觉得你的词汇量很大。口语:The clubs I joined at university accelerated my studies.Careers in high tech are typically accelerated in my hometown as many young people engage internships at the nearby tech park.写作:小作文图表题:Growth of laptop sales accelerated between 2002 and 2004.大作文:Young people learn more and at an accelerated speed through the use of technology.retard 减速,阻碍For example, libraries that do not electronically index their resources retard the rate at which a student can access information.03.important/unimportant这个单词在考试中出现的频率较高,但是怎么能避免重复,让语言更高级呢?继续往下看...key 关键考生:The wedding planner we hired was a key individual for three reasons. Firstly, he was able to...举个栗子:考官:How do you define a “hero”?考生:I think integrity, kindness and honesty are key. To me, a hero is someone that does the right thing even when no one is looking.写作:A key feature of the diagram is the pause that occurs between the first and second halves of the paper making process.chiefly 主要; 首先 98%的同学基本上只想到basically、firstly ,如果是写作的话basically还会出现拼写错误...考官:In response to a Part 2 monologue about an important person in your country. What do you think ___ will be most remembered for?考生:I think ___ will be chiefly remembered for his contributions to science...写作:For example, it has long been established that carbon dioxide emissions are chiefly responsible for global warming.trivial 琐碎的,无价值的; 平常的 当大部分考生还在用“not important”或者 normal做否定表达的时候,你用trivial, 是不是就瞬间比别人高了不止一个档次了呢?考官:How central was the Internet to your studies at university?考生:To be honest, the role it played was quite trivial. I found the vast amount of my studying was done using the traditional resources found at the university library.写作: A pie chart comparing the impact various human activities have on the death rates of forest fauna.Although pesticides account for 43% of all fauna death rates, mortalities due to human activities at campsites reveal the comparatively trivial figure of 0.01%.雅思高分必备替换词Amazing——wonderful、fantastic、unbelievable、fabulous、incredible、extraordinary、improbable、astonishingDelicious——enjoyable、delightful、savory、delectable、appetizing、luscious、scrumptious、palatable、toothsome、exquisite Famous——well-known、distinguished、renowned、celebrated、famed、eminent、illustrious 、notedFunny——humorous、amusing、comic、comical、laughable、silly、droll、Happy——Joyful、glad pleased、cheerful、contented、satisfied、delighted、ecstatic 、jubilant、tickled、gratified、blissful、overjoyed、elated Love——Like、admire、esteem、fancy、care for、cherish、adore、treasure、worship、appreciate、savor True——real、actual、accurate、right、properexact、valid、genuine、trusty、dependable、precise、sincere、staunch